Register Now (Direct Link: https://www.ayso41.org/Default.aspx?tabid=808240&isLogin=True)
We have some exciting news! Our Fall 2024 registration is now open! The season is played August through November and is open to any child between the ages of 2 and 18 (Birth Years 2006-2022). To sign-up, please visit our website at http://www.ayso41.org , sign-in to your account and select the "register now" tab.
Regular Fall Registration Fee is $200 (+$25 AYSO Membership Fee).
[NOTE - Late Registrations (after June 30th) are subject to Late Fee]
The Fall Play program is the main focus of AYSO Soccer, and the fall season runs from August – November. The Fall Play program is competitive; however, it doesn’t lose track of the fact that it’s all about having fun. Each team has a registered volunteer coach who is age appropriately train and certified. This certification is provided to the coach at no cost. This requires a lot of certified Referee volunteers. In addition this program is completely organized by a volunteer board. As you can imagine, running the program smoothly requires a lot of team work.
Registration for the fall season takes place in the spring with the first registration date being referred to as the Early Bird registration. All players registering at the Early Bird registration receive a discount . To receive the discount, you must register by the Early Bird deadline.
Benefits of Playing AYSO
- Child First – Child Focused
- Emphasis on Development of the child as a person and soccer player
- Local Laguna Niguel and surrounding city fields (3U to 14U)
- South Orange County Fields (16U & 19U) – Play against other teams on Area 11L Fields
- All teams are eligible to play in the “End of Season” playoffs (10U to 14U) if referee requirements met.
- All coaches are age specific trained & certified – No cost for training
- Coaches are allowed to select their assistants
- No referee fees for the games
- Emphasis on AYSO’s six philosophies
- General liability insurance for volunteers
- Accident insurance for players and volunteers
- NO Referee OR Non-Volunteer Fees
Equipment needed by age division:
- 3U-8U (2017-2022): Uniform provided by the region. Parents need to provide: Shin Guards, Size 3 Soccer ball
- 10U-12U (2013-2016): Uniform provided by the region. Parents need to provide: Shin Guards, Size 4 Soccer ball
- 14U-19U (2006-2012): Uniform provided by the region. Parents need to provide: Shin Guards, Size 5 Soccer ball
Important Dates
The following dates are planned, however, due to weather and/or state or local mandates they may be changed
April 1st - Fall Registration Opens - ($75 off discount) early bird rate of $125
April 30th - $75 off Early Bird Offer Ends ($125)
May 1st - “It’s Gonna Be May” Region 41 - $41 off Offer - $159
May 31st - “It’s Gonna Be May” Offer Ends ($159)
June 1st - June $15 Off Offer for 15 Days Begins
June 15th - June $15 Off Offer Ends
June 30th - Close of Fall Registration
Late July/Early August - Team Formation for 5U-8U Divisions
August 5th - 12U Coaches Meeting & Player Draft (Coaches Only)
August 5th - 14U Coaches Meeting & Player Draft (Coaches Only)
August 12th - 10U Coaches Meeting & Player Draft (Coaches Only)
August 17th - Meet Your Team Day - Times Vary by Division (MANDATORY)
August 19th - 5U-8U Coaches Meeting (Coaches Only)
August (TBD) - Coach/Referee Meeting & Training
August 16th-18th - Dick's Sporting Goods 20% Off Shopping Event for AYSO Region 41
Mid/Late August- Practices Begin - Coaches will be contacting players with their Weekday Practice Time on Meet Your Team Day, or by August 28th.
August 27th - 3U (2022) Young Playground & 4U (2021) Playground Meeting
August 27th - Team Parent Meeting
September 7th - 1st Games/Opening Day
October 4th-6th - Silent Weekend (Information)
October 26th - Area Play Ends (10U, 12U, 14U)
October 26th - Section Play Ends (16U, 19U)
October 28th- November 16th -10U,12U, 14U Regional Fall Invitational Tournament
November 2nd - Final Games (3U-8U Divisions) and Closing Ceremonies
November 9th - Final Games (3U-8U Divisions) and Closing Ceremonies
November (TBD) - Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
December 7th-8th - Area Fall Invitational Tournament(10U-14U)
January 2024 - All-Stars Tournament (10U-14U)
**Only Teams with the required amount of Referee points will be allowed to participate in our invitational playoffs. AYSO is 100% Volunteer run, which means we need EVERY team to do their part to cover games with referees. Without volunteers there are no games.
**Regular season place standings do not determine who advances to the Area Tournament of Champions in December. Regional playoffs will determine who advances and represents the region.
Quick Facts for the 2024 Season (ALL TENTATIVE):
-Practices Start Mid- August for most teams
-3U(2022) - will have 1 weekly Session (TBD - either Friday or Saturday)
-4U(2021) - will have 1 weekly Session (Sessions are on Saturday)
-5U(2020) - does not have weekday practices (practice and games are on Saturday)
-6U (2019) - Practice/Games are on Saturday
-7U(2018) / 8U(2017) practice once a week (day and times vary)
-10u+ (2006-2016) practice unto twice a week (day and times vary)
-Games Start September 7th
Here are a few highlighted guidelines:
- If your player is sick or feels sick, STAY HOME
- Players need to have their own equipment (No Sharing of Equipment)
- Bottled Water
- Soccer Ball (each player needs their own individual soccer ball)
- 3U-8U - Size 3
- 10U-12U - Size 4
- 14U+ - Size 5
- Shin Guards
- Goalkeeping Gloves (for those who choose to be Keepers - 10U and above)
- Please Remove All Jewelry before Games and Practices
- We are one community and it takes all of us to make this work. Thank you for helping!
Kind Regards,
AYSO Region 41 Board of Directors
· The waitlist is usually turned on after the regular registration deadline, unless there are still players still needed to make a full team, or if the maximum number (cut off number) has been reached prior to the last day of registration.
· We utilize the waitlist as a "pause button" to determine if we can make more teams or to "fill in" for dropped players.
· Moving off of the waitlist may take a few weeks and some patience, but you will be contacted via email if your player has been "activated".
· You have 24 hours to pay to get your child on the team at that point.
· No players that register are guaranteed to play, as this is ALWAYS based on the amount of VOLUNTEER coaches we have available.
· Players that registered on time may be added back onto the waitlist if we do not have enough volunteer coaches.
· A player can jump off of the waitlist if a parent of a waitlisted player volunteers to be a HEAD coach for the division where coaches are still needed.
· Players are put back on the waitlist in a backwards chronological order to instill fairness for our process, if we run out of volunteer coaches.
· As a thank you to long term volunteers, a coach that has head coached two times in the last two years (Fall and Spring seasons only); a referee that has refereed 5 games two different seasons in the last two years; or a board member for an entire year will receive priority off of the waitlist.
Although we cannot guarantee that all players move off of the waitlist, we do our best to get every child playing.
Our regional commissioner is in contact with the surrounding regions and we work together to get players on the field,
whether that is sending players to a neighboring region, or welcoming players from a neighboring region when there is space.
Please be patient as we work through the process!